Partners Life Financial Advice Disclosure Animation
The Importance of Transparency.
Pushing an industry - Duty of Disclosure (DoD)
We were tasked to create an informative based video to sit on their website. The Duty of Disclosure video openly declars what Partners Life responsibilities are, what advice can be given and questions people should be asking when seeking advice. Along with what to do when they feel the advice they have been given has been incorrect. The design and tone was based of aexisting brand direction and are dialled in a way to be as inclusive and open as possible through animation, content examples and clear signposting.
Agency Wunderman Thompson
Role Designer, Illustrator
Client Partners Life
Year 2020
Digital Marketing // Animation // Illustration
Creative Director Sasha Fowler
Illustrator, Design Sasha Fowler
Animator Anthony Brosnan
Producer Anthony Brosnan